Lack of Attention to Siblings without Learning Disabilities

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 - - 0 Comments

My 6 y.o. daughter woke up crying the other morning. When I asked her what was wrong, she said that I did not kiss her goodnight. I really had no defense. Guilty as charged! Thinking fast on my feet, I thought of the quick white lie and told her that I had kissed her after she had fallen asleep. I had managed to escape my daughter's hurt feelings only to come face-to-face with my own guilt.

The reason I had neglected to kiss her goodnight was that I was helping my son who has auditory processing disorder with his homework at 8:30 p.m. I know that I should not feel guilty. She was with my husband reading a story before bed. It was not like she was alone, but I feel the pressure to be there for everyone.

It is true that I don't give her as much attention, because, quite frankly, she does not need that much help with schoolwork. But, I can see that to a 6 y.o., it does seem like I am playing favorites. How do we give our learning disabled child all the attention that they need while not making our non-LD children feel slighted? I only have two children and can't help but wonder what the people with more children do? How do they cope? Will the non-LD child resent the lack of attention?

There is no perfect balancing act. I just pray in the end they both get what they need.

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